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Interested in taking part?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is research safe?

There’s no way to eliminate all risk but there are safeguards in place to maximise your safety. Researchers follow strict government regulations and create a detailed research plan called a protocol. An independent ethics committee ensures this protocol is legal, ethical, and well-designed. They also ensure the plan doesn’t involve any unnecessary risk. We only include participants in studies who meet detailed criteria and we commit to continuously monitoring your safety throughout.

What should I think about when joining a research study?

At your first appointment we will determine your suitability to join that particular study. We will provide you with the right information to decide whether going ahead is right for you. This will include written material you can take away and study at leisure. You will be informed of any possible risks as well as potential side effects. You will also be given the opportunity to ask questions. Taking part is a decision you might want to chat over with family, friends and your GP.

What's in it for me?

Patients with a condition can receive the latest treatment by taking part in research, and this treatment might prove to be more effective than the ‘standard’ care. However, it is often necessary for researchers to compare the treatment with ‘standard’ care, and this means you might not receive the new treatment. Whichever treatment you are given, you will receive a high level of attention from our clinical staff.

Healthy volunteers take part for a variety of reasons - mostly altruistic. Many tell us they like to feel they are helping others, helping researchers and contributing to scientific advances.

Can I be paid for research study?

Yes. You will receive reasonable travel expenses and refreshments.

Can I withdraw from a research study?

Yes. Anyone taking part in a study can withdraw at any time without giving a reason.

Will my information be kept confidential?

Yes. Your confidentiality is assured by the Data Protection Act. On some occasions your data will need to be shared with other hospital sites, and in this instance, steps are taken to anonymise your details. When we publish the findings of a trial, we are not allowed to include your name unless we have specifically obtained ethical approval for this purpose and you have given explicit consent.

Our hubs

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Located at the
John Pounds Centre

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Located in the Royal South Hants Hospital

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Located in the Royal Bournemouth Hospital

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Located at the
Linden Unit

"I’ve come to the conclusion that if people don’t come forward to help with research we’re never going to move forward with vaccines or treatments for certain illnesses and disabilities..."
Jane – Research participant, Bournemouth

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Supported by NIHR National Institute for Health and Care Reserch Logo
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