Find out about the unique advantages of our Wessex Model:
What is the Wessex model?
We deliver commercial clinical research at scale and pace across a network of centres, known as hubs. We strive to make research as efficient and participant-focused as possible, and our hubs recruit participants across the south of England.
What’s our history?
Wessex Research Hubs began as an emergency response to the Covid-19 pandemic, enabling high-volume, high throughput vaccine trials. This critically important work played a key role in the national roll-out of vaccine – testing doses, combinations and boosters and ultimately helping map a way out of lockdown.
By the time the pandemic was over, the hubs had developed into a unique and special service. With the infrastructure, skills and staffing solidly in place, dismantling such centres was unthinkable. Not only was there continued demand for the testing of Covid-19 vaccines, but for many other vaccines and treatments.
The network is likely to expand, with further centres due to open in towns and cities in the Wessex area.
What’s our future in a post COVID-19 world?
There is strong industry demand to run clinical studies through our network. We are delivering major international studies ranging from RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) to whooping cough, monkey pox, shingles and flu. The future vision is to cater for an even greater depth and variety of health and care studies, increasing access to research for people living in Wessex.
We have expanded into four linked centres which share staff, expertise and resources. Each draws its participants from very different local populations, meaning recruitment reach is far greater than a single site could ever achieve.
The model is mutually supportive; we will adapt resources across the hubs to achieve the targets and outcomes of individual studies.
How do we share staff and resources?
Our workforce is flexible and responsive, and our model enables us to rapidly deploy staff across the region to hubs during periods of intense activity. Our staff work to the same Standard Operating Procedures with the same standard induction and processes across all the hubs to ensure there is no variation in the quality of our work.
What do our participants say?
With the hubs so embedded in their local communities, participants report very high satisfaction rates. They are happy to make return visits and often take part in multiple studies. They feel well informed, understand what is involved, and find taking part a rewarding experience. Such high recruitment and retention rates are a major advantage of this unique model.
How does the single sponsor contract work?
Sponsors sign a single contract and interact with one project management team, which streamlines the setting up of each study. University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust takes full legal and governance responsibility.
How do we achieve our community reach?
Our hubs are also supported by local primary care networks, with research active GP surgeries contracted to send out text alerts to patients who meet specific study criteria and eligibility. This again supports recruitment in a highly targeted way.
What we offer
One budget & streamlined invoicing process
Centralised R&D capacity
Separate IMP shipments
Central project management - efficient set-up
Centralised pharmacy
Separate site ID numbers
Looking to deliver your study within Wessex?
Our hubs and buses allow you to deliver your research in a new, flexible way. We can provide dedicated research staff, clinical space, equipment and pharmacy/lab support. This allows you to deliver high quality research in the most efficient way whilst reaching varied diverse communities across Wessex.
Which studies are suitable?
Phase II/III onwards
Healthy volunteer studies
Research with simple study procedures
High volume recruitment studies

Please email us ( to find out more

"It made me realise how much work is put into making a vaccine before it is offered to the population. It gave me a rewarding feeling knowing I was taking part in something that would be impacting the community, the world, and other adolescents."
Lydia – Research participant, Southampton